Market Watch: Worries about poss June hike spook markets


Despite surprisingly strong retail sales figures from Walmart & The Gap today , the markets suffered across the board losses. It comes on the one year anniversary of the Dow’s last record high: (May 19, 2015- 18,312)

History says the stock market is not likely to hit a new record high anytime soon.

Read more here.

There are some very real concerns about the Fed upping interest rates next Month, which have caused the markets to drop over the last couple of days. See more from UBS’ Art Cashin below.

Here are the final numbers from Thursday, May 19th on Wall Street:

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 17,435.40  (-91.22 / -0.52 %)

NASDAQ: 4,712.53 (-26.59/ -0.56 %)

S&P 500: 2,040.04  (-07.59/ -0.37%)