Vietnam Veterans of America


Retirement Media, Inc. Founder and CEO Phil Cannella, along with Joann Small, co-host of The Crash Proof Retirement Show are a proudly sponsoring the First Annual “Doc” Andrew Jensen’s Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds to benefit the Vietnam Verterans of America Chapter #1068 in Southern New Jersey – serving Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties.

The charity outing will be held at the Pennsauken Country Club on Monday September 21, 2015.

Cost $125.00 per golfer
(Includes green fees, cart, and buffet dinner)

For tickets call 1-855-348-7884

Earlier this month, Phil Cannella and Joann Small welcomed the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #1068 to The Crash Proof Retirement Show. Phil and Joann made an unexpected offer to any disabled veteran who would like to attend the event. Listen below.

Vietnam Veterans of America on The Crash Proof Retirement Show by Crash Proof Retirement on Mixcloud

For those Veterans who are non-golfers, who are physically handicapped, disabled or are unable to play golf, but want to attend the festivities and dinner, please call 1-800-722-9728 to register. To register at the tournament, you will need two (2)  pieces of ID, i.e., DOD Card, VA Medical Card or Driver’s License.


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