Market Watch: Stocks down as Apple reports next week


As more earning reports came out today, Wall Street struggled to maintain gains and finished down across the board. Tech giant Apple doesn’t report earnings until next week, and some experts are predicting a 10% chance of an earnings plunge. Apple is having its worst year since the financial crisis. In 2008, Apple shares fell more than 50%. Since then, the stock has consistently risen 5% or more. Watch CBC’s Trading Nation explain the volatility with Apple, below.

Here are the final numbers from Wednesday, 10/21/15 on Wall Street:

Dow Jones Industrial Average: 17, 168.61 (-48.50/ -0.28%)

NASDAQ: 4,840.12 (-40.85/ -0.84%)

S&P 500: 2,018.94 (-11.83/ -0.58%)


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