It makes sense for a credit card company to base a card holder’s financial responsibility on their ability to make payments in a timely fashion. By keeping up with payments, credit card holders were once certain to keep a good, stable credit score. With the struggling economy, however, credit...
What is a Money Market Account?
A money market account works a lot like a traditional savings account, with a few restrictions. Banks and Credit Unions offer these accounts to give themselves more freedom to use your money in exchange for a higher interest rate. So while a typical savings...
You’ve worked long and hard; you’re at the summit of your financial mountain. Now you are about to come down the other side of that mountain. You will use different financial muscles climbing down than you did climbing up. In other words, your financial strategy must change before you...
The general rule is that retirees need 80% of their working income to maintain their current standard of living. We have scoured the internet and have found an overwhelming number of helpful tips** to assist you in saving money each and every month!
Reevaluate Monthly Expenses – Take a look...