As they close in on retirement, many products of the Baby Boomer generation are watching helplessly as their American Dream turns into a nightmare. A recent survey from the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) found that only 27 percent of Baby Boomers are confident that they will have enough money to...
Late in 2014, the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College reported that the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) trust fund would be completely drained by the year 2033. As daunting as that report was, it now appears that the problem may have been understated. Ivy League researchers have now discovered that...
Last week, the United States celebrated the 80th anniversary of the ratification of the Social Security Act, the law that created one of the most important government programs in our country today. The Act was a direct response to the economic disaster of the Great Depression. Unemployment surpassed 25%, forcing...
Retirement Media, Inc. Founder and CEO Phil Cannella, along with Joann Small, co-host of The Crash Proof Retirement Show are a proudly sponsoring the First Annual "Doc" Andrew Jensen's Memorial Golf Tournament. Proceeds to benefit the Vietnam Verterans of America Chapter #1068 in Southern New Jersey - serving Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, and...
MONEY AS ENERGY Your personality drives your money choices. It sounds weird, but money has energy and it can influence your happiness quotient for better or worse. In his book “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money,” personal finance and...