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Market Watch: 2013 Bull is Finding New Legs to Run On


Investors embraced this week in the same fashion they have been embracing 2013, stocks continued to rally. The difference that sets this week apart from most of 2013 rallying is the motivation that is driving higher investment volume. This week, markets are going up on reaction to good economic news, something that strays away from the theme of most of 2013’s market climb.

The Nadaq, S&P 500 and the Dow Jones all finished the day up.

The Dow Jones finished at 16,025.23 (+0.03%)

The S&P 500  finished at 1,808.37 (+0.18%)

The Nasdaq finished at 4,068.75 (+0.15%)

For most of 2013, investors have responded negatively to good economic news, as it was widely assumed that reports of a good economy would result in the ending of Quantitative Easing, the Federal Reserve stimulus plan that has been pumping $85 billion a month into the market.

However, this week is different. Either investors no longer believe that the Fed is ready to end Quatitative Easing, or they are finally ready to believe the economy can support the high share prices that the recent bull market has produced.

The positive news cited for today’s rally is the better-than-ecpected jobs report from Friday, showing unemployment has lowered to 7%. There are also some notable mergers on Wall Street which are typically appetizing to investors.

Market Watch: Trading Slumbers Before Black Friday


Trading volume was light on the market today, as investors have been gearing up for Black Friday. However, this didn’t stop the bull from sending market indices into new record highs, a phrase that has become pretty common place in recent headlines.

The Nasdaq passed 4,000 today, while the S&P 500 along with the Dow Jones flirted with new record highs throughout the day.

The Dow Jones finished at 16,073.50 (+0.00%)

The S&P 500  finished at 1,802.83 (+0.01%)

The Nasdaq finished at 4,017.75 (+0.58%)

As expected, major retailers were among today’s leaders. Shares of Tiffany & Co. reached record highs of its own after investors reacted to positive sales and earnings reports from the major jewelry retailer.

JC Penny and Jos. A. Bank also saw a surge in share prices following some positive news surrounding their status entering the retail holiday.

We can expect volume to stay low as fund managers spend the week napping from a belly full of hot turkey. The market will still see its share of programmed trading but barring any major news that demands a reaction, we can expect the bull to glide on its recent momentum but otherwise stay pretty dull.

Jim Cramer Reveals Wall Street Corruption


For many, Jim Cramer is just another familiar face that you have seen in the media. Because of this, we recognize him as someone carrying a reputation as an expert on the complex subject of investment finances.

It is because of his public persona that the general public tends to take what he says as fact, as we all default to the thought process of, “well he must be doing something right to be where he is today. He certainly knows more than I do anyway.”

It is that very thought that has been designed by Wall Street insiders, like Jim Cramer, to be a tool used to control where people invest their money.

What the public hasn’t seen is the “behind-the-scenes” Jim Cramer, whose real expertise is not giving advice to the public, but rather manipulating the public by using deceitful tactics to persuade them to invest in ways that benefits his hedge fund.

In 2006, a video interview was published with Jim Cramer when he was a Senior Partner at his Hedge Fund firm, Cramer Berkowitz. Cramer was under the impression that the general public would never see this interview, and that he was only speaking to other Wall Street insiders. Therefore Cramer speaks openly, and in a sense, he is training other insiders on what goes on behind the scenes at hedge fund firms. He then goes on to reveal the truth about how hedge fund managers operate, actively working to manipulate markets to benefit themselves, at the expense of the everyday investor. The video was suddenly removed from YouTube in February of 2021, however you can see portions of it in the video below, taken from an episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, where its host chastises Cramer using his own words against him.

Click play below to watch.

Those who rely on media personalities and other “experts” like Jim Cramer to make decisions on where to place their money, never stood a chance. It’s like a pig walking into a slaughterhouse to ask for directions.

In today’s financial system, the only way to be ahead of the game is to do your due diligence and educate yourself on your investment decisions; otherwise you could become another victim of the will of Wall Street.

Economist Harry Dent on The Crash Proof Retirement Show®


Phil Cannella interviews best-selling author and renowned economic forecaster, Harry Dent on what he predicts for 2014.

Wall Street Puppets Continue to Manipulate Washington


A new bill was passed in the House this month that aimed at preventing Federal regulators from establishing new rules on Wall Street to increase accountability on the professionals that manage retirement savings.

The bill, titled the Retail Investor Protection Act, was created in response to the Department of Labor(DOL)’s recent efforts to change the definition of fiduciary standards as it is applied to financial advisors and stock brokers. The bill is designed to prevent the Department of Labor from creating new rules and regulations over Wall Street.

Fiduciary standards are commonly placed on white collar professionals, designed to ensure that the professional is always working to serve the best interest of the consumer, and not putting their own benefit first.

Much of the 2008 financial crisis was credited to mismanagement of funds and unethical practices by professionals within the big financial firms on Wall Street. The general consensus among Wall Street critics is that the financial industry professionals valued profiting from high fees and risky investments more than they valued the wellbeing of the everyday investor. As a result, many have called for stricter fiduciary standards over these individuals who manage investment assets.

Assistant Labor Secretary of the DOL, Phyllis Borzi, has taken the lead on bringing a stricter fiduciary standard to Wall Street. Since 2010, Borzi has been fighting to develop new rules on fiduciary standards for financial professionals. She has said that the measure will focus on protecting retirement savings from unethical management investments but not prohibit commissions for financial professionals. Her said goal is to hold investment advisors accountable.

“What I’m talking about is making sure the advice you give is primarily, overwhelmingly and undoubtedly the best plan for the client,” Ms. Borzi told an audience in September at a Financial Services Institute Inc. conference in Washington.

However, the mission to bring more accountability to Wall Street professionals went stale when the proposed fiduciary rules were withdrawn in 2010 after being met with much resistance from Wall Street. Bank lobbyists, and the politicians that favor big banks, were up in arms rejecting the attempts to make financial professionals more accountable for their decisions when managing savings accounts.

Since word got out that the DOL is set to reintroduce the 2010 proposed fiduciary rules in the coming months, there has been a return of forces that don’t want to see this regulation take effect, beginning with the campaigning of the Retail Investor Protection Act.

The Retail Investor Protection Act was proposed by U.S. Representative Ann Wagner in response to recent regulatory efforts by the DOL.

Representative Ann Wagner has been spearheading this legislation that will essentially handcuff the DOL, preventing them from establishing any new rules to govern Wall Street, unless the SEC first adopts the rules. The act also forces the SEC to jump through hoops before they can enforce new rules.

So why is Ann Wagner trying to make it even harder to keep up with regulations on an industry that has already gained a reputation for its greed and loose legislation?

A quick review of who helped put her in office shows that she may have a bit of bias when it comes to the battle between the everyday consumer and the big banks on Wall Street.

Below is a list of the top 5 contributors to Wagner’s 2013-2014 Campaign. 

 Wagner Fin Chart

This list shows Wagner’s top 5 contributor’s for her 2013-2014 campaign, by industry.

Wagner Fin Chart 2


Rep. Ann Wagner’s personal finances also show that she is heavily invested in securities with multiple big name firms on Wall Street.

Wagner is aggressively promoting her creation, the Retail Investor Protection Act, and because of her strong ties to Wall Street some are saying that this act is a perfect example of what the new proposed fiduciary rules are meant to prevent— conflicts of interest.

If Wagner’s bill passes the Senate it then moves onto the President for signing.

In the meantime, the proposed fiduciary rules have been delayed and are unlikely to take place in 2013. At the time of writing this article, it is unclear exactly when any new rules will actually take effect… if at all.

Can’t Retire?


With the baby boom generation approaching retirement, more people than ever are concerned that they will be unable to retire comfortably at age 65.  A Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), conducted by the Employee Benefits Research Institute (EBRI), reflected American workers’ dwindling hopes to retire and maintain their current standard of living.  This lackluster confidence is a result of inadequate savings, disappearing pensions, and the predicted insolvency of the Social Security system\. Over the past two decades in which the EBRI has conducted these studies, pessimism about a comfortable retirement has increased significantly, with 27% of workers in 2011 saying they were “not at all confident” about their retirement – an increase of five percentage points from 2010.  This represents the highest level of pessimism in 20 years of the RCS.  Although these statistics may seem alarming, Jack VanDerhei, EBRI researcher and co-author of the report, sees this trend as positive.  “People are increasingly recognizing the level of savings realistically needed for a comfortable retirement,” says VanDerhei. “We know from previous surveys that far too many people had false confidence in the past … People’s expectations need to come closer to reality so they will save more and delay retirement until it is financially feasible.”

So what can you do if you are not feeling confident about your ability to retire comfortably?  Delaying retirement for a few years may be your best option.  The RCS showed that thirty-one percent of workers in 2011 said they believed they would need less than $250,000 to retire at 65 and live comfortably.  In reality, most people will need more savings than that to maintain their current standard of living. To figure out your needed savings level, there are a number of retirement savings calculators available online, like this one at http://www.choosetosave.org/ballpark/.  You should use a financial calculator first to determine what your needs will be in retirement.  If your savings are not enough to cover you for 10 or 20 years after you retire, you should consider remaining in the work force for a few more years to continue accumulating your nest egg.

Many people believe they can rely entirely on their Social Security benefits to finance their retirement and will retire as soon as they are eligible to receive them.  American workers generally retire in their early 60s, and can receive partial Social Security Benefits at age 62; but, the Social Security Administration offers full retirement benefits to those who reach “full retirement age.” As an example, for those who are born 1937 or earlier, your full retirement age is 65; for those who are born 1960 or after, your full retirement age is 67.  Keep in mind that the average person receiving full benefits gets about $30,000 per year or less from Social Security. For anyone with a higher income than that, it would be prudent to continue working for a few more years.  If you choose to retire at your earliest opportunity, you will have to stretch your savings much more than if you had waited a few years.  By staying in the workforce, you can supplement your Social Security benefit; but, that should not be your only income stream.  As the large number of baby boomers begin to retire, benefits are likely to decrease.  New Congressional estimates say the trust fund supporting Social Security can only pay out 75% or less of its normal benefit by 2017.

If you are able, remaining in the workforce can keep you active and help you feel productive, as well as allow you to accumulate more savings.  If you are just itching to retire, you may want to consider gradually cutting back your workload or getting a less stressful or physically demanding job instead.  Decreasing your work obligations could feel like a retirement of sorts, but will allow you to continue making income.  In any case, if you feel you are able to keep working, you should – Social Security tells us retirement begins at 65, but your career doesn’t have to end there. Use a retirement calculator to determine what your needs will be, and if your savings are a bit too thin to support you in your retirement, remain in the work force until you can live comfortably.  Your bank account will thank you.

Top 7 Bad Credit Card Charges


It makes sense for a credit card company to base a card holder’s financial responsibility on their ability to make payments in a timely fashion. By keeping up with payments, credit card holders were once certain to keep a good, stable credit score. With the struggling economy, however, credit card companies are prying into your life more than ever before.  They are now studying where you swipe your card and what you swipe it for to judge if your spending is risky, or more importantly, if you are going to be able to pay the  bills you owe.  Credit card companies have found, by closely examining their customers’ credit card use, they are able to get a better read on customers’ financial stability.  Credit card companies are also diminishing your credit score based on charges they see as irresponsible or those that foreshadow financial problems. Credit card companies post red flags for charges that may indicate customers are being careless with their credit.  Below is a list of certain items you should think twice about before charging to your credit card.

1)       Traffic Tickets:  No one is perfect, but showing off a traffic ticket to your credit card company is not a smart move. Do not give your credit card company the idea you are irresponsible or you exhibit risky behavior on the road.  Traffic tickets have the effect of raising your insurance, making a credit card company think financial troubles may lie ahead.

2)      Tire Treads:  Also car-related, charging treads for your tires may alert your credit card company that you are looking for the easy fix.  If you have always bought new tires, but now decide to simply get treads to save money, your card company may assume you can no longer afford your former purchasing lifestyle.

3)      Bargain Stores Shopping Sprees:  Speaking of your former purchasing lifestyle, it may be true that in this tough economy you may be unable to afford the luxuries of your former “glory days.”  Stores like Wal-Mart and Dollar Tree have come in handy for people trying to shop smarter by getting everyday basic needs at a fraction of the cost; but, do not swipe your card in one of these stores.  If a credit card company starts seeing frequent charges to stores like these, they will worry your income is unsteady.

4)      Casino Chips:  Using your credit card in a casino, or worse, taking out cash advances at a casino, sends signals of impulsiveness and irresponsibility.  The same goes with charging lottery tickets on your card, which is allowed in 12 of 46 of our country’s lottery states, not mention online gambling websites.  No credit card company is going to extend credit to you if you gamble it away.

5)      Alcohol Purchases:  An alcohol purchase here and there may not hurt your image with your credit card company; but, frequent charges may warn of instability in your life. You would not want your card company to assume you are washing your financial worries away through frequent binges.

6)      Marriage Counseling/Therapy:  Marriage troubles can indicate actual or potential financial problems. You should not charge counseling sessions as they could make your credit company feel uneasy.

7)      Bills & Income Taxes:  Swiping a credit card for a monthly bill or for income taxes is a red flag to the credit card company that you have insufficient disposable income. Charging recurring expenses may show you lack money management skills.


Charging the seven items above may show your credit card company you are financially unstable.  Arguably, your credit card company is unjustifiably prying into your personal life and is making hasty judgments based on a card’s magnetic strip. Be that as it may, card companies are starting to see these charges as indicators of how they should determine your credit score.  So, be wise – steer clear of charging the above items on your credit card and pay in cash.

Phil Cannella Warns the Community about the “Grandparent Scam”


If it wasn’t already clear that scammers are heartless, it becomes abundantly clear for victims of the “the grandparent scam.”

This scam usually starts with a phone call and a persuasive voice claiming to be the victim’s grandchild.  In some elaborate cases, the caller will impersonate the grandchild’s attorney, allowing the “grandchild” to speak briefly to the victim in an indistinguishable sobbing voice.  The grandchild is always in some kind of trouble, usually with the law, and begs for immediate financial assistance.

In most cases, the caller will say they have been arrested and need bail money. The caller often insists that the victim keep the situation a secret to avoid embarrassment. The victim is instructed to wire money to a specific address as soon as possible. The address for the money is almost always in a foreign country.  If the scheme is successful and these leeches taste blood, the victim can usually expect a few follow up calls asking for more money. You can be certain the victim’s money will not be used for the said reasons and it is safe to assume the recipient isn’t one to donate your money to charity either.  The money is completely gone! It is in the pockets of some heartless creature who respects nothing, not even the unconditional love between grandparent and grandchild.

According to Phil Cannella scams like these are the most heartbreaking to hear about.

“No one wants to lose money, but to be convinced their loved ones are in trouble is just too much!” says Phil Cannella.

As a leading advocate for the fair treatment of retirees, this heartless scheme gets under the skin of Phil Cannella.

“Scams that not only target seniors, but exploit their good nature and instinct to help their struggling loved ones for financial gain are disgusting,” said Phil Cannella.

Scams like this are important to be aware of. They show, that in the war against scammers, there are no boundaries and no rules these morally absent con-artists will set for themselves.

Phil Cannella’s Advice on “The Grandparent Scams”:

  • Do not answer private or blocked calls. If it is an important message they will leave a voicemail.
  • If the caller asks for money, hang up! If they claim to be a loved one, call that person directly or someone who may know of their whereabouts.
  • Do not act on emotion. Slow down. These scammers play into the fact that in such an emotional state you will act quickly before thinking about what you are doing.
  • Involve other people. The caller may request you not involve others in fear of embarrassment, but it is you who will be embarrassed when news gets out you’ve been scammed.
  • But the most important message from Phil Cannella SCAMS are SCAMS! Whether they work or not! Make sure you report scams even if you were able to avoid any actual losses. Scam prevention starts with YOU letting authorities know they exist.

Home Health Care for Retirees


For some retirees, nursing home care is simply out of the question, due to financial restraints or specific health problems.  For these retirees, there are other options for long term care which may be more affordable, or may be a better fit to the retiree’s lifestyle.  Home health care is one of these options.


With home health care, a retiree can stay in his or her home while having licensed skilled care technicians check in daily.  Most modern long term care insurance policies include provisions that allow in-home care.  While traditional long term care insurance often did not offer coverage for this type of care, most modern policies include a rider (an attachment, schedule, amendment, or other writing that is added to a document in order to modify it) that covers home health care.

Options for Retirees Who Don’t Qualify for Long Term Care Insurance

Some retirees (especially those who have pre-existing conditions) may find it difficult to qualify for Long Term Care Insurance, including Home Health Care.  For those who don’t qualify, there are other options like Home Care services.

Home Care is a lower cost alternative to both nursing home care and traditional in-home care.  Anyone in need of care can sign up for membership with a Home Care Service and pay a monthly, semi-annual, or yearly fee to receive care for 25 hours each week in their own home.  Most of these companies provide varying levels of service which range from $1,500 annually to about $5,000.  Compared to the $75,000 or more required each year for nursing home care, Home Care can be very affordable.  It also often comes packaged with a discount medical plan, which could save you money compared to Medicare or Private Health Plans.

Home Care should not be confused with Home Health Care.  The difference is that Home Health Care is provided by licensed doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals; while Home Care (also called non-medical care or custodial care) is provided by caregivers who are not licensed as medical professionals.  There are many companies that provide Home Care services, and some provide better care than others.  First Senior Financial Group’s educators can help you find a reputable, reliable Home Care provider in your area so you can be sure your care is being provided by the most highly skilled unlicensed professionals.

Tiptoeing through the Medicare mine field!


Americans in their retired years need and deserve the peace of mind of knowing they can receive quality medical care without taking large sums out of pocket. The federal government offers just such a safety-net: Medicare. Put most simply, Medicare is health insurance for those 65 or over, and it’s funded chiefly through payroll taxes while you’re still employed. President Lyndon Johnson signed the plan into law in July 1965.

Those 65 or over can sign up with Medicare as a sole, joint or back-up insurance plan. The effective date of coverage is the first day of the month in which you turn 65. You must enroll in Medicare in order to be covered.

Medicare consists of four parts. Part A pays for hospital bills. Part B is optional coverage that pays for doctor visits and other medical services; most subscribers will pay $96.40 or 115.40 monthly, depending on their circumstances. Part C is another extra-cost option; it includes so-called “Medicare advantage plans” plans, offered by private insurance companies. Part C generally encompasses Parts A and B (often at an enhanced level of coverage), as well as Part D, which features private plans that supplement the prescription drug coverages in A and B. Clearly this gets complicated, so call 1-800-MEDICARE to discuss your specific situation. The “Medicare & You” handbook is another excellent resource, usually updated each year. Check out the 2011 edition at http://www.medicare.gov/publications/pubs/pdf/10050.pdf.

While Medicare may be a godsend, it can also be a mine field. Educating yourself on the ins and outs of this unique program can prevent you from being denied coverage when you need it most. Following are some of the most common misconceptions about Medicare.

  • Medicare does not provide family coverage. You can be covered on an individual basis only.
  • It’s true that basic Medicare cannot deny you coverage, and that you cannot face higher premiums for being sicker than the average person—but many pre-retirees do not realize that recipients still must pay premiums, co-pays and deductibles. Therefore, chronic illness can still be devastating.
  • Your monthly Part B premium may be higher than $115.40 if you are single and earn more than $85,000, or married and earn more than $170,000 together with your spouse.
  • If you snooze, you lose! Those who decline to sign up for Plan B during their initial eligibility period may be socked with a permanent increase of 10% for each 12-month period in which they remained uncovered. Their premium will never drop to the rate most others pay!
  • Plain-vanilla Medicare does not offer the same menu of services, at the same levels of coverage, as a private health-insurance plan.
  • In any case, traditional Medicare does not cover routine dental care, eyeglasses, hearing aids, custodial long-term care, and health care outside the United States.
  • A Part C “Medicare Advantage Plan” typically restricts you to certain doctor and hospital networks. You may not be able to continue using your current family doctor or specialists.

Helpful hint: If you feel you have a specific problem that can’t be addressed by calling the routine Medicare number above, try the Medicare Rights Center at 1-800-333-4114.

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